Media Coverage—An Overview
How Quatrain PR can get media coverage for your self-published book?
Getting coverage for a self-published book is a combined effort between the author and publicist. It will be 90% perspiration, persistence, passion and creativity, and 10% luck, because your book will be competing against New York Times best-selling authors, big publishing houses, and an exploding volume of self-published books in a shrinking book market.
Quatrain PR has a deep media contact database, ranging from high-tier national publications to an extensive blogger database. With professional experience, we are able to get your book into the right hands, having carefully matched your book with the right media contact. There’s never a guarantee that a media contact will cover or review your book or that coverage will be positive.
The Creative Approach: Can your book surf the news?
If your book or personal story ties into timely news coverage, a tangent approach can get exposure in a national/top-tier outlet if carefully manged. A PR pro can determine which media are best to get book coverage in the form of a profile, human interest piece, or op-ed story.
Quatrain PR can help you create articles to publish, and find opportunities for public appearances. We work with you to find topics in your book that tie to news and can get you coverage in indirect ways.